God’s Not Dead: the Cosmological Argument

God's not Dead

Certainly the question of God’s existence crosses each person’s mind irrespective of whether you were born into a Christian household or not. We wonder if it is really true that there is a God and question whether we would be wasting our lives worshipping a non-existent God. It is a question that determines our final destination according to Saint Augustine. It is when we choose to either believe in God or reject him that our eternal home is prepared: heaven or hell. Some say that God is not as merciful as he claims to be if he sends people to hell; nonetheless, it is not that God is not merciful. His mercy was poured out for us on that cross; Jesus suffered more than any words could ever explain just to redeem you and I. When you choose to reject him now, in this life, you choose the devil’s side. That side is the side of rebellion and sin. What you are screaming to God is that “I do not want your goodness and I will take whatever consequence”. How is it that you can call him unmerciful? He is love but will not allow those who reject him to corrupt the paradise he prepared has for his children.
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